KNet is a unique First Nations owned & operated ICT Service Provider leading the way for rural and remote First Nations of Ontario into the ever growing world of information communication technologies. Based out of Sioux Lookout Ontario, K-Net materializes a wide range of capacity building services visualized by First Nations; such as cellular service, broadband connectivity, and online applications.

K-Net is a program of Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO), a First Nations Tribal Council established by the leaderships of Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill bands to provide a variety of second level support services for their communities. Kuhkenah is an Oji-Cree term for everyone, everywhere.
Sustaining effective information and communication technology connections with First Nations people.
Sustaining communication technology connections with First Nations people and delivering effective information.
Building business partnerships for access to information and communication technology services that increase economic development and contribute to First Nations well-being.

Respond to demand by First Nations for affordable and scalable information and communication technology services, creating opportunities for First Nations to effectively harness information and communication technologies and ensuring that new service development meets community-based requirements.

KNET’s Journey
KNET has produced a 15-year investment in Ontario’s most isolated First Nations and has transformed the way Anishnawbe people share their culture, language and identity with friends, neighbors and the world. Affordable access to local networks has generated employment, built capacity and increased participation in the social economy. KNet LP has the largest number of connections and most diverse First Nations broadband network in North America now serving more than 100 Ontario First Nations and First Nation organizations sites. The Kuhkenah Network is based on an Oji-Cree concept including “everyone…everywhere.”