Close to Home Project

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the medical industry is critically dependent on reliable access to the digital world. For critical care providers, the need for safe and reliable internet access is paramount. It is with this mission in mind that KNET’s Close-to-Home project was established.
The Close-to-Home project is an ambitious initiative of KNET’s Service Help Desk that is dedicated to bringing reliable internet connectivity to medical professionals who are serving in far remote communities of the North. The project, which is nearing completion, was designed to provide nurses with a secure and reliable network for communication, research, and data-sharing.
Currently, the project is 4 communities away from completion, after a grueling series of logistical and technical challenges. Over the course of the project, KNET has worked alongside local government officials and members of the community to ensure that this vital project comes to fruition.
Through its groundbreaking work, KNET has set a new standard for medical service help desks, and the Close-to-Home project is a shining example of how technology can be used to positively impact the lives of those who serve in remote locations. The dedication and hard work of KNET’s tech team over the past year have been instrumental to the success of the project.
When complete, the Close-to-Home project will be a major achievement for KNET and a tangible benefit to nurses in rural communities. By providing reliable and secure connectivity, the project will enable nurses to have access to the resources they need to serve their communities and provide the best possible care. The completion of the Close-to-Home project will be an important milestone in the delivery of professional medical care, and KNET’s team is dedicated to ensuring that success.
Close to Home Project: Completed Nurse’s Residences
• Pikangikum Nurses Residence
• Mishkeegogamang Nurses Residence
• Poplar Hill Nurses Residence
• Muskrat Dam Nurses Residence
• Keewaywin Nurses Residence
• Sandy Lake Nurses Residence
• Bearskin Lake Nurses Residence
• North Spirit Lake Nurses Residence
• Fort Severn Nurses Residence
• Martin Falls Nurses Residence
• Fort Hope Nurses Residence
• Neskantaga Nurses Residence
• Peawanuck Nurses Residence
• Grassy Narrows Nurses Residence
• White Dog Nurses Residence
• North Caribou Lake Nurses Residence
Close to Home Project: Nurse’s Residences Still to be Done
• Attawapiskat
• Kashechewan
• Wabaseemoong
For more information contact
Cal Kenny
Service Desk Lead
(807) 737-1135 x. 1254
Franz Seibel
Project Lead (Contractor)
Alvin Fiddler
Network and Business Sales Manager
(807) 737-1135 x. 1500