Community Partners Mobile
Each community has a K-Net Mobile Representative that sells Phones, SIM Cards, and Vouchers at their own prices.
The Band Office will know the name and number of each KM Representative. KM Representatives are authorized to troubleshoot phones, Sim Cards, balances, and vouchers.
Attawapiskat First Nation General Delivery Attawapiskat, ON P0L 1A0 1-705-997-2375 | Bearskin Lake First Nation General Delivery Bearskin Lake, ON P0V 1E0 1-807-363-9914 | Kitchinumaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation P.O. Box 329 Big Trout Lake, ON P0V 1G0 1-807-537-2500 | Cat Lake First Nation General Delivery Cat Lake, ON P8T 1A3 1-807-347-2238 |
Deer Lake First Nation P.O.Box 39 Deer Lake, ON P0V 1N0 1-807-775-2141 | Eabametoong First Nation General Delivery Fort Hope, ON P0T 1L0 1-807-242-1595 | Fort Severn First Nation General Delivery P.O. Box 149 Fort Severn, ON POV 1W0 1-807-478-2572 | Kasabonika Lake General Delivery Kasabonika Lake, ON POV 1YO 1-807-535-2547 |
Keewaywin First Nation P.O. Box 90 Keewaywin, ON POV 3GO 1-807-216-3050 | Kingfisher Lake First Nation P.O. Box 57 Kingfisher Lake, ON POV 1ZO 1-807-532-2067 | Lac Seul First Nation General Delivery Lac Seul, ON POV 1XO 1-807-738-0775 | Muskrat Dam First Nation General Delivery Muskrat Dam, ON POV 3BO 1-807-471-2573 |
North Spirit Lake First Nation General Delivery North Spirit Lake, ON POV 2GO 1-807-776-0070 | Pikangikum First Nation P.O. Box 323 Pikangikum, ON P0V 2L0 1-807-216-1301 | Poplar Hill First Nation General Delivery Poplar Hill, ON POV 3EO 1-807-772-8838 | Sandy Lake First Nation P.O. Box 12 Sandy Lake, ON POV 1VO 1-807-774-3421 |
Wapekeka First Nation P.O. Box 2 Wapekeka, ON P0V 1B0 807-212-4954 | Weagamow First Nation P.O. Box 158 Weagamow, ON P0V-2Y0 1-807-469-5191 | Webequie First Nation P.O. Box 268 Webequie, ON POT 3AO (807)353-6531 ext. 258 | Wunnumin Lake First Nation P.O. Box 105 Wunnumin Lake, ON POV 2ZO 1-807-214-2580 |
Sachigo Lake First Nation P.O Box 57 Sachigo Lake, ON POV 2P0 807-595-1578 | Neskantaga First Nation PO Box 105 Lansdowne House, ON P0T 1Z0 807-479-2570 | Nibinamik First Nation General Delivery Summer Beaver, ON P0T 3B0 807-592-2131 | Peawanuck First Nation General Delivery Peawanuck, ON P0L 2H0 705-473-2554 |
Slate Falls First Nation General Delivery Slate Falls, ON P0V 3C0 Primary Contact: Band Office 807-737-5700 |